Use Cases

Unify. Connect. Cross-sell.

Find out how sellers are leveraging the UCX Platform!

Crosstown Chiropractic unlocked a new stream of income with cutting-edge wellness solutions

Crosstown Chiropractic was looking to find more wellness solutions that they could include in their patient treatments. With UCX they can do that and earn extra income from sales, without having to store products in-house. By joining the UCX Affiliate Network, Crosstown Chiropractic can pick up products from reputable medical providers, and earn passive income by selling those products to patients in need through their affiliate store.

Crosstown Chiropractic, using the power of chiropractic and massage therapy to revolutionize treatments

Crosstown Chiropractic’s mission is to help people feel better by using chiropractic and massage therapy in managing conditions ranging from low back pain and headaches to hip or shoulder pain.

How Crosstown Chiropractic leveraged the UCX Platform

Crosstown Chiropractic was looking to complement its existing services and create an additional revenue stream in the process. As a UCX Affiliate, they picked up products from Protec Athletics, a cutting-edge wellness company that designs specialized support and massage therapy products to help with recovery, restoring health, and boosting performance.

This is how UCX empowered Crosstown Chiropractic to earn extra income as an affiliate:

Select Brand

Select brand

Crosstown Chiropractic picks up products from the brands of their choosing, becoming an affiliate for products that are in line with their business values.

Setup Store

Setup store

UCX creates the affiliate storefront for Crosstown Chiropractic and adds the products to their storefront.

Start Earning

Start earning

CrossTown Chiropractic can start selling immediately and gets paid automatically for every sale they make.

Pickup More Brands

Pickup more brands

Besides Protect Athletics, Crosstown Chiropractic can easily pick up and sell more products from brands of their choice, without having to worry about order fulfillment.

Become an affiliate for several brands, all in one place

Crosstown Chiropractic picks up and sells products and services from the brands of their choice through a personalized storefront. They don’t need to invest upfront, buy products, or stack inventory, since the order fulfillment is done by the brand.

Crosstown Chiropractic recommends Protec products to their patients, and for each product sale made through their store, they automatically receive a commission from Protec.

Now they are also adding Incrediwear products to their affiliate store. There is no restriction on the number of brands, so Crosstown Chiropractic can become an affiliate of several brands, all in one place!​

Easy to get started, easier to earn

As a UCX Affiliate Marketer, you start making money right away. We provide you with everything you need, including, marketing and sales outreach, promotional collateral, and support!

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No upfront investment.


No inventory management.

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No order fulfillment.

Join our affiliate network and earn extra income with UCX.